2-Day Webinar Weekends
All Day Courses 8 am – 3 pm CT
Choose 1 course, but don’t miss out on your $50 discount another weekend.
- Email info@esp-inc.com when you’re ready for your second course in the same calendar year.
3-Day Webinar Weekends
AM Courses 8 am – 12 pm CT
PM Courses 1 pm – 5 pm CT
Select a course…or two!
- Choose one AM course and/or one PM course
- Registering for both an AM and PM course is an automatic $50 discount for each course!

Exclusive Workbook
- Everything you need to know for the test
- Streamlined studying
- Follow along with the lecture
- Plenty of space for notes
- Delivered directly to you

Discounted Study Tools
- Select add-on study tools 15% off
- Complimentary shipping
- Adult Echo Digital Cases
- Digital and paper quiz cards
- ESP swag

Webinar Access
- Live webinar on Zoom
- Specialty expert as your instructor
- Opportunity to ask questions throughout the course
- Convenient attendance options – at home, work, or out & about – it’s all online!

6 Weeks of X-ZONE
- Access to 100s of practice test questions
- Familiarize yourself with online test-taking
- Click to learn
- Unlimited use for 6 weeks

12 CME Credits
- Certificate available within 2 weeks
- Accepted by major credentialing organizations
- AMA Category 1 Credits available